Friday, March 27, 2015

More than a Whisper

Almost lunchtime and I've just finished another coat of paint in my kitchen. There is no way I'm about to prepare lunch in a paint-y kitchen. I don't even know where the peanut butter is!

"Dean, find your shoes. We're getting han-ge-burrs!"

I thought it would be fun to have a picnic at a brand new park--one that Dean isn't bored of. I don't know where any other parks are and I'm driving so I choose not to use my phone. We drive for 20 minutes before finding a park in Sunset (I didn't even know there was a Sunset in Utah!)

Pulling into the parking lot I'm not sure where to park. There seems to be 2 separate lots with no lines. Getting out of the car with blanket and Dean in tow, I feel strange. I brush off the weird feeling as hunger pains. Our hamburgers and fries are basically cold at this point.

After wondering around for a minute I see the playground. It reminds me of what I think a park would look like after a zombie apocalypse. There are leaves all over the dirty sand. The faded blue slides and bridges look as if they haven't been touched for years. I think about taking a picture but I am too distracted. My mind seems to be foggy and I am barely aware of the conversation Dean is carrying on with me.

I leave a sleeping Lucy in the car with the windows rolled down. I am only 10 feet away from the car so I can hear her if she needs me.

Eating our lunch I can't shake the uneasiness. I am uncomfortable and can't concentrate. The longer I sit there the louder the voice tells me to "Leave!"

Suddenly I am aware of my surroundings. My head is clear and I am startled to see a man sitting 20 feet away from us. I am scared because I didn't hear him approach or see him sit down. With the enormity of the park I feel weird about the fact that he chose to sit so close to us. So close I could have easily thrown a cold fry and hit him.

I decided to listen to the rather loud voice and leave the park. I felt the overpowering urge to whisper.

"Dean, we are going to be super quiet and go super fast to the car because Lucy needs us."

He seems interested. I wrap up his hamburger and get ready to stand.

Just before I do, the man stands and walks behind the bathroom building. I wait to see which direction he goes. Towards the picnic tables and field or to the parking lot. I am praying that he doesn't go towards the parking lot. I don't see him emerge from behind the building. Where did he go? I don't like that I can't see him anymore.

I throw the blanket & diaper bag into the car and turn to get Dean. He is gone.

I see him running to the playground. My heart is beating out of my chest. NO! I run full speed after him. Running through the sand in flip flops, I feel like I'm running in quick sand and I can't get to him fast enough. I hate leaving Lucy behind in the car. I catch Dean just before he gets to the rusted stairs. I grab him and pick him up. He starts to cry. Again, I have the overwhelming feeling to whisper. He can't cry right now. I can't let him cry!

"Dean, if you can be super quiet I'll let you have ALL your Easter hunt candy when we get home."

He immediately stops crying. I jog back to the car. I don't want to turn my back to the field so I buckle him while constantly looking around. I feel as if I can't breathe. All I know is that I must leave! All buckled in I run to my side of the car, lock the doors and roll up the windows. I still don't know where the man went. I drive slowly through the parking lot searching for him. He has disappeared.

Still in panic mode I call Calin to make sure he will be home when we get back. I need a hug.

I am mad at myself for not listening to my gut and the spirit when I first arrived at the park. I am grateful for his persistence and not giving up on my stubborn self. I am grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost for his guidance, warnings, comfort and peace. I bear testimony that if we can listen and act we will be blessed.

Just in case you need a visual. The red dot is our mystery guest.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

oh-TWO-doodles...a very happy birthday

Well, my baby boy turned 2
I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Can't he just stay little forever?

At his 2 year well child visit we learned that he is still in the 90th percentile for height and weight (future football player?). Everytime Dr. Loftus would check his ears, listen to his heart and lungs Dean would say, "Thank you Dogger!"

Dean was spoiled for his birthday. Great G&G Perry came to visit, Grandma Hess came all the way from Idaho to stay with us, Grandma Shirley sent him some fun stuff. Russ, ZZ, Bompa & Maw-mawk came to celebrate too! He even got a sleep over with G&G T and a trip to the aquarium!

Happy Birthday!

Little stinker pulled off part of the "2"  

Mickey Mouse Cupcakes

This boy sure loves Mickey

Great Grandma Perry

The Greats

New toy/mess :)

Grandma & Lu

New helmet to go with his new bike

 New bike!

Grandpa is the bestest artist ever!

 I guess we're going to need to introduce him to Star Wars!


Fun at the Park

This is what happens when we have to leave the park...

Lunch date

Picking his new toy from Grandma Shirley

At the Aquarium with Bompa & Maw-Mawk

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Personal Progress Faith: A Little Bit Goes a Long Way

Dear Family & Friends,

My current calling is to serve as the Young Women Miamaid Advisor. As I serve and learn about the gospel with the young women of my ward, I have made it a goal to complete Personal Progress again. I am so grateful to participate in this program. It has helped my scripture study habits and the way I teach my own children.

As part of my Faith ten hour project I am in need of your help. I would like to collect as many stories, testimonies and thoughts about faith to make a book. I’d like this collection to be an informal family history book. This could be done as a family (FHE or Sunday activity) or something you do on your own. You can write a long story or a simple thought!

If you need help getting started, here are a few ideas:

·        Read “The Living Christ” and as you do, consider the Savior’s influence in your life and how your faith in Him has increased.
·        How have you demonstrated faith?
·        Describe the blessings you’ve received because of your faith.
·        Write your testimony concerning a gospel principle and how it has helped your faith grow. (paying a full tithe, the plan of salvation, temple attendance, repentance, prayer, fasting, etc…)
·        Children (or adults!) can illustrate a picture of what faith is to them

Thank you so much for helping me record these amazing experiences. I hope by writing our stories they will uplift and encourage those that read them.
I would love to have all stories by February 1, 2015 (Sunday). Please send them to my email or via Facebook message. If you have any questions please call/text/email/facebook.

With love,


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Top 3 Favorite Freezer Meals

Many have asked for it and now it's here! My freezer meal recipes :) Don't feel obligated or frightened by any of these meals. You can make each meal to match your lifestyle and taste buds. Some of these make-ahead meals are SUPER easy to put together and some are quite intense but totally worth it on those days you have zero minutes to get dinner ready.  In this post you'll find instructions for:
1. Lasagna
2. Pot Stickers
3. Hamburger Soup


Makes: 4-5 Lasagnas & Serves: 4 each
I used the 2.5lb aluminium pans from Dollar Tree. You can buy 3/$1
Meat Marinara (see below)
Ricotta Cheese (largest tub)
1 large egg
1/2 Tablespoon ground black pepper
1 cup grated Parmesan
Lasagna noodles (1 box made all of mine & I DO NOT cook them)
Shredded mozzarella cheese 
In a small bowl mix together the ricotta, egg, pepper and Parmesan until thoroughly combined.
Start with the meat sauce. Next add noodles and top it off with the ricotta mixture. Continue this pattern until you've reached the top of your pan (typically 3 layers). Make sure you add a good amount of mozzarella cheese on the very top layer. Cover with cardboard top & label "Lasagna ~ 45 min ~ 375 ~ (date)". Very important to set aside to cool before putting in freezer...I learned this the hard way.
When you’re ready to cook, take off the top, cover with aluminum foil and bake for 35 minutes at 375 degrees, take off aluminum and cook for an additional 10 minutes or until top is lightly browned and bubbly.
Add some broccoli and garlic bread and you’ve got a meal in just a few minutes!
Meat Marinara 
3 pounds ground beef, cooked and strained
1 medium onion, diced finely
4 cloves of garlic, minced
4 large cans of tomatoes
1 12 oz. can tomato paste
1 huge (the double size) jar of good store bought marinara or make your own using tomato sauce
1 Tablespoon Italian seasoning
1 Tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
Salt to taste (1 1/2 Tablespoons or so)
Pepper to taste (3/4 of a tablespoon)
To the ground beef, add in the garlic and onions and let cook until onions are soft. Add in the rest of the ingredients and cook for 45 minutes or so on medium heat, until flavors are combined.
Pot Stickers
Makes 4-5 meals & Serves:4 (12-15 pot stickers per meal)
Disclaimer: this is by far our most favorite freezer meal EVER! It is so stinkin' delicious and so easy to throw in the oven for dinner. Here is the BUT... preparing these meals is messy, dangerous and time consuming. Don't let that scare you away though. These are amaze-balls!
2lbs ground meat (pork or beef)
2 cups (or half) a head of cabbage
4 Shredded carrots
1 onion
2 stalks for minced celery
1/4 c Soy Sauce
4 TBLS sesame oil
2 TBLS corn starch
6 cups flour
2 cups water
Put flour and half of the water in a bowl and stir with a fork. Slowly add in more water, a TBSP at a time. Once it is stiff enough, knead. Keep adding water until it is smooth, but not sticky. You might not use all of the water.
- Cover with a damp towel and let sit for 30 minutes to relax the gluten.
- Cut into chunks and roll into 3-4 inch discs.
- Place roughly 1 TBSP of filling in the center and shape into a pouch.
- Heat oil in a pan over high heat. Place potstickers in pan and fry until the bottoms are nice and browned.
- Shielding your face with the lid (seriously, this is when you put on long sleeves, two oven mitts and ski mask!), pour in some water (1/2 a cup or so) and cover immediately. Lower heat to medium low and cook for 6 minutes.
I have a gas stove so when I make these, flames are coming up all sides of my pan! Not sure how it reacts with electric stove. If anybody makes these on their electric, let me know how it goes. 
Let the pot stickers cool completely then put into a freezer bag. On the day you want to eat them you can take them out a couple of hours before cooking OR right before. The cook time will just be a bit longer if they are still frozen when placed in the oven. 
Thawed pot stickers: 15 minutes @ 350
Frozen pot stickers: 25-30 minutes @ 350
Add rice and you're done! The best part is the hidden veggies inside the pot stickers :) I can easily fool hubby and kiddos to eat carrots, cabbage and celery! Buwahaha!

Hamburger Soup
Makes 4 bags & serves: 4
3lbs ground beef (cooked)
10 potatoes (cubed and quickly blanched)
16 carrots (chopped)
Celery (chopped)
4 cans of tomatoes
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
6-8 cups of beef or chicken broth 
After you've chopped, cubed and diced everything you'll want to slightly cook the potatoes & veggies. This is also known as blanching. Freezing potatoes can either go really good or terribly wrong. DON'T freeze raw potatoes. I could give you a scientific explanation as to why but it's easier to say, "I'm smart so do what I say" :) 
Once all the potatoes, carrots, celery have had time to blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes, add the remaining ingredients and let it all cook together for 15-20ish minutes. You don't want to add too much broth...just enough to cook your meat and veggies together. If you have to much broth it won't fit in your freezer bags. On the day of cooking, you'll add broth to the crocpot. 
Separate soup into freezer bags and let it cool completely before putting in your freezer. To cook, pull out in the morning and slide it into crocpot on low for 4-6 hours. Remember to add 2-3 cups of fresh broth!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Just STOP!

As a mother, wife, sister, daughter, miamaid adviser, responsible member of society, etc. I am easily caught up in my continuously expanding checklist. Easily forgetting all the wonderful miracles and blessings surrounding me. A few nights ago I was reminded how precious my baby girl is.

I was at a young women mutual activity when another leader asked to hold Lucy. As I watched her play and talk to Lu, I overheard her ask Lucy to tell her about heaven. After all, it was only three short months ago that Lucy was living there. Aside from attending the temple, Lucy is the closest I can get to heaven on a daily basis. A perfect and precious piece of heaven. It won't be too long before she forgets all about her former home. I need to take time everyday to stop. Stop and silently watch my little angel. She knows it all but just can't tell me about it. I guess I'll have to settle for her adorable coos and mischievous grins.

I am grateful for simple reminders from great examples in my life. I feel incredibly blessed. Sometimes it is difficult to see the blessings through all the trials so stopping is essential. Stop and reflect on what you are doing and what you can do better. I need to regularly put down the phone, get off Instagram, forget about the newly added episodes of Gilmore Girls on Netflix and just STOP! Even though Lucy can't talk yet, stopping to "listen" to her is my favorite time of day. For a few short minutes before Dean wakes up, I get to be with one of heaven's most recent tenants.

Monday, September 29, 2014

DIY Reversible Blocks Instructions

I am absolutely in LOVE with wood crafts. I recently treated myself to a brand new miter saw. Yes, I'm that weird about wood crafts. I figured I was frequenting Home Depot much too often to have them cut my lumber. But seriously, there is nothing better than the smell of freshly cut wood!

I've added a DIY kit to my Etsy Shop for my reversible holiday blocks and I thought a tutorial online would be a good idea. I decided to do these blocks 1) because they were all over pinterest and I HAD to have them & 2) I needed decorations that I wasn't afraid of Dean playing with. Too many times I've had to rescue glass or ceramic home decor pieces. These wood blocks are 2-year-old-proof. I love it!

DIY kit includes:
~7 pieces of carefully selected wood (pre-sanded for your convenience!)
~Background scrapbook papers
~Vinyl lettering

What You'll Need:
~Foam paint brush
~Mod Podge
~Roller pin or Credit Card for smoothing bubbles

1) Prep your working station. I like to work on top of parchment paper. This works especially well when using mod podge!

2) Paint your blocks! Depending on the holidays, I choose either black or white but, you can be as creative as you'd like. Wait at least one hour before you paint a second coat.

3) While your paint is drying, apply vinyl letters to paper backgrounds. Some letters will be slightly bigger than the paper. All you need to do is fold the letter on to the other side. You may choose to use transfer paper but with this particular project, I skip that step. I'm faster without it.

To peel the letters, first start with the corner of the vinyl. You'll remove the dead space vinyl first. This will leave only the letters. Using a cricut spatula or similar tool, lift the letter and place on paper.

4) Once all the vinyl letters are placed on paper, it's time to MOD PODGE! Using the foam brush apply a thin layer of mod podge to back of the paper and place on wood block. Using a small roller or credit card, smooth out any bubbles. Do this to all papers and make sure they've had time to set (about 20 minutes). Next apply mod podge to the top of the papers. Keep your strokes similar and using the same pressure. Let it dry! I like to wait a couple of hours before either adding a second coat or flipping blocks over to apply second holiday.

I hope you enjoyed creating these blocks! If you have any questions or might possibly need a replacement letter or background paper due to accident, let me know :) Mistakes happen!

**pictures & video coming soon!

Monday, August 25, 2014

a Wink & a Smile

August 25, 2014

If the saying, 
"You Are What You Eat"
 is true... that must mean 
"You Are Who You Hang Out With"
is also true, right?

I believe it is. 

For the last couple of weeks, I have been a 

Lucy has reflux & is simply an unhappy baby. She wasn't always unhappy. She didn't always cry. The first 4 weeks were great. They were tiresome & filled with trial and error but we were all happy. After week four, something switched. Was the change in Lucy? or Mom? Either way we have both been struggling for 3 weeks. 

At night Lucy cries for hours. Nothing seems to help. Less layers, more layers, burping, fresh diaper, more food, less food, swaddled, un-swaddled...
I've tried everything. 
Now at night we both cry together. It is a terrible cycle. I don't know what to do for my crying baby and Calin doesn't know what to do for his crying baby (me). 

I keep hearing, "it will get better"
I'm not interested in hearing that phrase
unless it actually does get better... immediately!

Though all the hours of tears & screaming leave me deaf and exhausted,
today she smiled. 

Like a magic button, my frustration disappeared. My reset button was pressed.

She was happy so I was happy. I of course cried but these were tears of happiness.

This is the first time I've seen her big eyes crinkle into a smile and her mouth turn upwards.
A glimmer of hope.

One smile made me forget the last 21 days of frowns.

So, no matter what kind of day you're having, SMILE! It may erase someone else's bad day (or month).