Friday, February 7, 2014

A Birthday Celebration

 January 22, 2013
First Birthday
Woke up Dean by throwing balloons into his crib and singing "Happy Birthday"! He loved it :)

Dean loved walking back and forth through the streamers. I kept them up for a week and surprisingly he never pulled them down.

A turtle cake for my Turtle :)

His super awesome fort Grandma Lisa made for him

Dean was a very dainty cake eater.

 After he finished his piece of birthday cake, he ran around the kitchen and front room yelling with his hands on his face...Home Alone style. Crazy sugar high!

The dogs were more than willing to clean up the mess

 On Dean's 1 year doctor visit, his doc was concerned about his left hip. While examining Dean, we could hear/feel a pop in his hip. So, we got to go to the hospital for an x-ray. What a fun birthday, right?

Since I am prego, I had to sit in the hallway while Calin helped the x-ray techs. Dean was such a trooper. He was his normal happy self.

Here is his cute little x-ray hanging on my fridge :) 
Look at those cute chubby leg rolls!
The doctor called the next day and all was well. Nothing of significance to report, yay!

I am still in shock that it has been one full year since Dean joined our family.
I am so grateful for his energetic, happy, goofy personality that makes everyday worth while. We never have a dull moment and I wouldn't change a thing. 
I am so proud of him and all he has accomplished so far in his one year.
Dean is going to be one amazing big brother!

I love you Turtle!


  1. I love the cake. What size pan did you use for the head or how did you do the head. So cute. (Ps i am a friend of calins from byu)

    1. I used three 9" round pans for the body. I trimmed the sides of the top to round out the edges. The head? Well, I had a bit of trouble with that thing. I intended to sculpt it but the cake kept falling apart... The head is actually a bowl covered in frosting :) my plan would have worked if I hadn't used cake mix from a box, my bad! I used a drinking glass to cut 3 round pieces from a 9x13 cake. I layered them and tried to sculpt (unsuccessfully). I hope that answers your question :)

    2. I used three 9" round pans for the body. I trimmed the sides of the top to round out the edges. The head? Well, I had a bit of trouble with that thing. I intended to sculpt it but the cake kept falling apart... The head is actually a bowl covered in frosting :) my plan would have worked if I hadn't used cake mix from a box, my bad! I used a drinking glass to cut 3 round pieces from a 9x13 cake. I layered them and tried to sculpt (unsuccessfully). I hope that answers your question :)
